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Areas of Competitions

Required Competitions:  


​Elegant Wear: Participants may choose the type, style, and color of their dress. The dress should be body-shape-appropriate.  The participant will model on stage in front of the judges and the audience.


Interview: Participants will speak with a panel of judges or one on one with each pageant judge for 3-7 minutes. This is a closed session. Only the judges, participants, and pageant staff will be present. 


On-Stage Question: Each participant will be asked a question on stage. The participant will have 45 seconds to render their answer on stage in front of the judges and the audience. 


Personal Introduction: The participant’s introduction should be creative and informative and no longer than 30 seconds. The participant should include her name and her future ambitions.


Optional Competitions:


Out of Uniform/Spirit Wear: Participants may wear anything from jeans to a party dress or a high fashion off-the-rack or custom-made outfit. The participant will model on stage in front of the judges and the audience.  


Photogenic: Participants may electronically submit any natural photo (color or black & white). The photo must be of good quality.


Talent: Participants' talent must be no more than two minutes and performed on stage in front of the judges and the audience.

Sample Photogenic Picture

(C) The Official Miss American Diamonds Website Established 2013 Website Created by Hambrick

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